Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jimbo's Big Outing

Jimbo went with me to a friend's little girl's 4th family birthday party at a local park. He's getting more comfortable riding in my crew cab truck. I helped him into the folded down backseat and he laid right down on the dog bed and blankets already set up for my dogs.

We picked up another friend and off we went to the park for the party. It was a gorgeous afternoon. The birthday party was in one of the park's pavilions.  Jimbo was a perfect gentleman. He enjoyed greeting all the people there at the party, including the 4 year old girl's whose birthday it was, her 6 year old brother and her 18 month old triplet brother and sisters.

He enjoyed all the sights and sounds of the park on such a beautiful day. During the party while the kids played, he and I walked around so he could take it all in. He watched the kids playing and other people riding bikes and walking dogs. He really seemed to enjoy himself.

He so easy going and mellow. He was comfortable and confident but not pushy at all.

He's such an awesome dog. Everyone that met him liked him and commented on how friendly, sweet and easy going he is. No one could believe he'd been with me in foster less than a week. He seemed like he does this kind of stuff all the time.

       He enjoyed being around the kids and just hanging out.

 He had a fun day and now he's  home and crashed out for the evening. It was a big day for the big guy :)


Catherine Ford said...

he was fantastic! The kids loved him and he didn't seem at all bothered by the different ages (even the new walkers walking strange and grabbing for him) and really seemed like an old pro to the family lifestyle. Great dog to meet, easy to fall in love with this guy.